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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Snow Day

Get a Voki now!

Morning everyone, we are closed today because of snow (30/11/10) enjoy your day at home and keep safe! It would be good if some of you looked on here! If you do can you write your answer to the question, what advice would you give Paul when he is being bullied by Nick & Mo (chapter 6) You can listen to the beginning of the chapter again by listening to and hear Neil Gaiman reading and even play some of the word games on there.
Snow closure 30/11/10

Well done to Rebecca for being the first to post a comment at 7.23am! Commendation for you. Mrs H
PS If you go on to 'Around the World' page there is a map with some red dots that show where our visitors are from, can you name any of the places? If you read the comments section below you will see there is a message from Mr Webb in New Zealand - their weather is very different to ours!!

Snow Day number 2! December 1st - here is  a photo of my car 7R so you can see why we can't get into school, hope you are all safe and warm! Mrs H

We also have a comment from Australia - check it out!

Lewis, Kane & Elliot took some photographs

Friday, 19 November 2010

Our Exhibition

Ready & Waiting!

Today was our exhibition and it was an amazing success! Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who attended (especially those who made cakes!!) We raised £60 which will pay for two children to be educated through the Oxfam Unwrapped website. You can see from our visitors book and from the linoit site how impressed everyone was with both your exhibitions and the mature way that you worked together as a team. Well done 7R.

Our Ipads arrived this week and as you can see 7R are really keen to use them!

Thank you to everyone who left a comment on our wall - you can see the comments or add your own here

Some people wrote in our visitor book - thank you.

Brilliant afternoon yr 7, slide show of photos to follow! Mrs H

Its Georgia F here Wow!! :] this must have taken you ages these are all our photos from our exhibition on Friday which was a huge success because we raised a whopping £60 well done 7R!!

Hi its levi here
our exhibitions were very good we made a very good success by raising £60
everyone did very well and well done 7R!!!!

Monday, 15 November 2010

Liza Hempstock - was she a witch?

Was she a witch or not? What were her crimes? She was buried in unconsecrated ground in Potter's field, what does she now want? Have you read Chapter 4?

Hi! Its Charlotte and Courtney we think that Liza Hempstock is really a witch. Her crimes were making the milk go sour and the horses go lame. We did some drama on the book where we did freeze frames and when we got tapped we needed to say what we were thinking at the time. We said "She killed my husband , now its time to get revenge." She is in Unconsecrated ground in Potters field which means she has no gravestone and she really wants one.

It's  Raj and I definitely think liza is not a witch, because when they took her to the pond she drown, but if she was a witch liza would not have felt any thing.All of the village was waiting out side her house ready to take her to the pond would you like to go you the pond? 
Our writing today was a challenge - we could only use 100 words and some people could only use 100 words and not use the letter 'O'...we had to work really hard! Below are a couple of examples of our work.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Our Assembly

7R's Assembly 4th Nov 2010
Well done everyone for taking part in assembly this morning, you were brilliant. You could be heard and were all very confident. Loved the information, the poem, the rap and the dance a great first assembly.

Our Assembly on PhotoPeach

Our assembly rap,written and led by Kane.

Its Georgia Fenton i enjoyed the assembly today it went really well it was nerve racking for all the form with us going first but well done to everyone i especcially enjoyed kanes rap it was really catchy very well done  again to everyone!!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Pupils teach the lesson

Well done to those of you who took the book home last night and read chapter two, ready to teach it to the others this morning!Some of you were rated really highly...I might have to look out for my job!!