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Open publication - Free publishing - More year 7

Your second Assessed piece is to produce a class exhibition about yourselves, each one of you will have a display area and 5 items as explained in the document above.

Example of a Virtual Museum tour

Remember we need to think about how we will set out our exhibition. Display? Labels? Invites? Refreshments? Who to invite?
Kane decides to paint...
....a self portrait!
Exhibition stands in progress
Jacob, Cole & Liam spot something interesting!

Hello again. This is Kate and i'm going to tell you whats important about a museum:
Good layout, correct lighting, interactive displays, a guide, a quiz or puzzle for little children and themed events.
We need to advertise are museum by:
Are blog, leaflets and invitations.
Thanks for reading.

Imaginative work from Courtney!

Final Preparations for our Exhibition on PhotoPeach

Final Preparations for our Exhibition on PhotoPeach


  1. we as a class are all doing our own individual thing for an museum that we are making in class we have all got to bring something thats special to us and do some writing about ourselves georgia fenton

  2. hello mrs hewitt its Rebecca and georgia fenton here we have being researching for the mesueam homework for the past half hour and can't find anything suitable. we don't want you to think we havn't tried. what shall we do? Rebecca and georgia x

  3. Hi Rebecca & Georgia, I know you will have tried don't worry. If you get chance
    the link above is a list of 'Virtual Museums' and tours...could be worth a look. Don't worry if you can't we will look on Thursday, Mrs H

  4. I've also added the link for a tour around a virtual Museum in Yarmouth, Is it effective do you think?

  5. Mrs Hewitt I Cant Find Anything , Plus My Printer Dosnt Work But I Think My Dads Got Some New Ink Im Sorry If I Cant Bring It In See You Tommorow, I Love Cult Stud X

  6. Dear Anonymous (is it Charlotte?) don't worry if you can't find anything we will look in ICT on Thursday

  7. I think when we have got everything done for our museum it will be very good we just need to keep going and we will get it done. Rebecca Yeardley

  8. I Think The Same As Rebecca Because Its Going To Be Great Everyone Is Doing Soooo Well And All The Boxs Are AMAZING! ^
    < >
    A Star For Well Done.

  9. Good afternoon 7R,

    I have just been looking at your 'final preparations' for your exhibition - it looks amazing. I really can't wait for the real thing Friday now - Keep up the good work -

    Mr Storey Head of Year 7

  10. Hi 7R - love the work you're doing. From the photopeach it looks like you've got a real variety of work on each stand. Good luck on Friday!

  11. Hi 7RCS - I'm a teacher and I've just been looking at your blog; it looks fab! Keep up the hard work - I can't wait to see what your assessments look like :)

  12. The fish are really cool.
    Kate P
