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Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Resolutions for 2011

 Click here for linoit
Follow the link above and add a post it to Linoit to share your resolutions for 2011

Well done Rebecca for being the first to add a post it!

Look at these amazing images for the new year!

Don't forget to use the linoit link at the top of this page to add your post it note!

Wednesday, 22 December 2010


Rebecca and Jacob read in the Christmas Assembly, well done to both of you.

Year 7 team game in the Gym on the final morning.

Thursday, 16 December 2010


Bon travail 7R, les vainqeurs!!! Good work 7R, the WINNERS!!!
Joyeux Noël.
Madame Hilton

Francovision - our winning song!

We won the yr 7 Francovision competition!!!!

Hi it's Cole here, our stunning win against 10 forms.our form was the best form out of 10. 7R is our form. We lernt this song in our french lesson we won a box of choclates for all of our form we worked as a team and did it. We all enjoyed it.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

12 days of Christmas

Your final 'Penguin' homework this weekend is......
How many present in total were given out in the song 'The Twelve Days of Christmas?'

Thursday, 9 December 2010


Bonjour, voici les paroles pour Francovision - Bonne Chance!!!


Bonjour, monsieur. Bonjour, madame.
Bonjour mademoiselle.
Je me présente. Je m’appelle
Hélène Dupuis, je suis Hélène Dupuis.
Hélène c’est mon prénom, Dupuis mon nom de famille.
Bonjour, salut!
Comment t’appelles-tu?

Bonjour, monsieur. Bonjour, madame.
Bonjour mademoiselle.
Je me présente. Je m’appelle
Fabien Petit, je suis Fabien Petit.
Fabien c’est mon prénom, Petit mon nom de famille.
Bonjour, salut!
Comment t’appelles-tu?

Bonjour, monsieur. Bonjour, madame.
Bonjour mademoiselle.
Je me présente. Je m’appelle
Juliette Tardi, je suis Juliette Tardi.
Juliette c’est mon prénom, Tardi mon nom de famille.
Bonjour, salut!
Comment t’appelles-tu?

Bonjour, monsieur. Bonjour, madame.
Bonjour mademoiselle.
Je me présente. Je m’appelle
Salim Chéfi, je suis Salim Chéfi.
Salim c’est mon prénom, Chéfi mon nom de famille.
Bonjour, salut!
Comment t’appelles-tu?

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Pick up a penguin

George was the first to comment on this and says he 'sooo wants to win a prize'...for being the first to comment George, you can have the first penguin...see you Monday afternoon, Mrs H

December 6th - Voki is not working properly so I have' hidden' a penguin with your homework challenge somewhere on the blog...will you find it and claim your penguin tomorrow??

George with our Penguin tin!

Your photos from Today's freeze Frames about Bod 'dreamwalking' and frightening Nick are on the Graveyard Book page

Raj puts his 'penguin' in the tin!

Here are are Penguin winners! Well done

You all worked so hard on this we might have to do it again at Easter and maybe 'Check out a Chicken'!