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Friday, 15 October 2010

The Graveyard Book

This is the project that we are currently working on. Who is Jack? Does the baby escape?

We joined 7N in PA to create our graveyard.....

We did some Geography work and created birds eye view maps, adding keys.

We read the first chapter of the booka nd are starting to ask questions

We are all in role and writing as a reporter, police, witness, Jack, family or baby.
The Scientists have looked at the crime scene

Open publication - Free publishing - More novel

Share your predictions for what will happen in the book?Write your predictions here!

I think that the lesson on monday was quite good because we got to work with different people.I think jack is a mean man i think that he is the kind of person that goes round killing people and getting in trouble.I dont know why he killed the three peole maybe because he wants to look hard infront of people and show of or maybe just because he is so mean and does things like that.I think the book is going to be very interesting,he may murder more people and get caught. It  may be  a little scary. Amie R

What shall we do about the baby that has appeared at our graveyard?

Mistress Owens wants to keep the baby.

What do you think of the trailer for the book?

Dreamwalking on PhotoPeach

Bod Dreamwalks and frightens Nick

Three Chair Improvisation Bod & thePolice on PhotoPeach

Three Chair improvisation

Tallest tower

We worked in teams to see who could build the tallest tower with 2 sheets of newspaper and cellotape...looking at the PLTs we wanted to see if we could ...listen to others, be supportive, be a good team member or take the role of team leader. Some towers were excellent...some just collapsed but we had fun.

7R Newspaper tower & first day on PhotoPeach

BP Oil Spill

Our first few lessons were spent in role as either BP Executives, local fishermen, reporters...looking at the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
We did a press conference in role and then wrote our own press releases.
We gave our feedback on linoit to say what we thought.

We did the oil spill at beginning of year.
i did enjoy it because i like to argue and the press relese was a great time for me to do it because i didnt get told off for it because it was my job. Also because i like to know whats going on in the world and that wasa big insidence that went off and i think it still going on.  Emily

Here is a very short clip of our press conference