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Friday, 15 October 2010

BP Oil Spill

Our first few lessons were spent in role as either BP Executives, local fishermen, reporters...looking at the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
We did a press conference in role and then wrote our own press releases.
We gave our feedback on linoit to say what we thought.

We did the oil spill at beginning of year.
i did enjoy it because i like to argue and the press relese was a great time for me to do it because i didnt get told off for it because it was my job. Also because i like to know whats going on in the world and that wasa big insidence that went off and i think it still going on.  Emily

Here is a very short clip of our press conference


  1. We did the oil spill at the start of the year it was really fun and i had the confidence to speak up.
    i loved being a jounalist i hope other lessons are as good.Rebecca Yeardley

  2. What a fantastic class blog ~ it's been really interesting to see what you've been doing and I love the way you've included your comments (wall wisher?).
    Good luck with your next project.
    Kind regards

  3. Thank you for your comments Ms Young, the comments are done on Linoit, please come back and see how we are getting on thanks Mrs H
