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Monday 21 February 2011


Mr Storey asked you in assembly to leave a comment about what had been the highlight of your first 6 months at Kingstone. You can leave your comment in this section. Hope you are all having a good half term, Mrs Hx


  1. My highlights of the first six months at kingstone are making new friends, learning new subjects, playing in the school football team and winning francovision.I also enjoyed taking part in the golf competition.I really like my form class and glad Mr Copley is my form teacher.


  2. Hi Madame I have really enjoyed the first 6 months at Kingstone. The things I have enjoyed most are proberly getting into Glee, I've enjoyed this because... I got to go to Blood Brothers which was EMENCE! Also I've already done one concert and have been really proud of myself. I have also enjoyed CS, because there are no right or wrong ansews and everything is fun. Thirdly I've loved going to breakfast club in the morning, I always have a bacon butty and a bottle of water. And finally I have really enjoyed the blog! It has been a great way to talk to everyone!
    Kate P

  3. My highlights of the first six months at kingstone are...
    meeting my form, doing different subjects, cultural studies because its different to other subjects and we are always doing activities, Winning frankovision, being part of the tea party and most of all... making new friends!

  4. my first 6 months here have been AMAZING!! My highlights are of my time at kingstone so far are:
    meeting new friends,
    The golf competition,
    winning francovision
    and meeting my form and our form tutor Mr Copley


  5. Hi its levi my first six months have been really fun and the best parts is every friday where we can go into the sports hall and have a game of bench ball its really fun!

  6. My first six months at kingstone have been very good the best subject is cultral studies because we do freeze frames and do acts and its very fun also every friday we go in the sports hall and play lots of games!!

    By Morgan

  7. My first six months at Kingstone has been fab, I loved making new friends and meeting new people my favorite lesson has to be Cultural studies because we do lots of exiting things like games and drama its really good !

    By Megan

  8. My first six months at Kingstone have been ok, I was the only one from my school to come to Kingstone so i had to try to make more friends. I like the fact that you get more responsibility at high school because it lets you try more things and to learn from mistakes. I have diffrent lessons to Wellgate but my most faveroute ones are art and cultral studies. You learn more techniques for art and cultural studies is fun because you learn more ways to connect with other pupils. Over all my first six months at Kingstone have been... FANTASTIC!

    By Emily Whitham

  9. Hi its Charlotte here my first 6 months at Kingstone were ... FAB ! I loved meeting new friends and learning new things. I have to admit Mr Copley is the best fourm teacher EVER because he baked us some rocky roads my top 3 lessons are ... Cultural Studies with Mrs Hewitt 1st , P.E with Mrs Buckley 2nd and last but not least French with madam hilton. I cant wait till the new school is built because i can meet new people and see those that went to my old school.

    By Charlotte

  10. my first six months at kingstone have been"FAB!"
    i could've never imagend how great it is my top highlight has to be playing for the school football team and reprisenting the school my favourite lesson is p.e. because i have a very sporty personality.kane.y

  11. the first six weeks for me have been... BRILL! I've enjoyed all of it (except when it's been raining. I really don't mind Mr Copley giving homework as it's easy - that doesn't mean you should make it harder though! the best bit s I think was when we were doing about Husker and I actually liked doing the French course - would you believe that!

  12. Hi everyone, I apologise I should have explained clearly that these were positive reflections. Our discussions about homework can take place in another forum. Mrs H

  13. Its Georgia.F My highlights of the first six months at Kingstone have been many things P.E has been brilliant Mrs Buckley is a great teacher to have! I have loved competing in cross country competitions and just taking part in the barnsley one:) Cultural studies is great Mrs Hewitt is a legend and she doesn't one day just say where doing this geograhy or this ict its a mixture of diferent things and theres never a wrong answer we don't always do writing which i like:D Meeting new friends,people,teachers and my form tutor have been great i like the mini quizes that we do like about countrys it makes it more fun instead of just being bored in form time. Cooking has been also great i have made many things that i never would have dreamed of making before and the school canteen is YUM!! :)

  14. WOW - What a set of highlights!! And we're only 6 months into our journey!!! Thank you to those who have completed the task I set before half term it really is a pleasure to see (and read) about the range of highlights you have shared so far. Keep up the excellent work and I agree that you are all very fortunate to have a form tutor and cultural studies teacher who care about you so much.
    Mr Storey
    Head of Year 7
